Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Elevator Pitch- outline

Elevator ride with a Presidential Candidate (Not sure who yet)-

  •  Water crisis= California
-Build above ground wells in California and provide communal water filtration system. 
-Provide each household with filtration systems( something better than "brita" filters), or at least reduced cost on water filtration systems for low income households. 
  • Flint, Michigan= Drinking water supply contaminated 
-Make law makers and city inspectors report to the federal govt.
-Drinking water is a human necessity
-How are we supposed to maintain healthy lifestyles and continue to study or work without water?
-The ignorance that city officials display here is unheard of in more well off communities. even if its because more educated people are more involved in the community, there should be more reports on the news at least to alert people. 
-Should also provide water filters for each household, free of charge, due to city officials negligence.
-Some sort of monetary compensation for troubles as well. 

  • Cheaper but more efficient water filtration system should be developed such as the ones used in some African countries. 
  • Possibly use the already developed and cheap way of filtering water through ceramic filters. We should teach people what materials go into the filter, and how they're tested for purification. 
  • Is this a racial injustice or just the govt. being the govt. 
  • Lower income communities should not be ignored as they have been for the past 50 years, they should help with the problems in these communities and possibly use more social programs. 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

About Me

My name is Danniel and I'm from San Diego. I moved to Santa Barbara to live with my girlfriend and our two kittens, Luke and Leia. I am a kinesiology major and hope to transfer to CSUSM next spring. My goal is to become a physical therapist. One of my favorite things to do in Santa Barbara is play disc golf.